父亲节手抄报简单又漂亮_父亲节手抄报:Father’s Day

父亲节手抄报内容资料 2020-07-14 网络整理 可可


  Brief Introduction to Father’s Day

  This is a day with a relatively short history in America and was established after it became obvious there were a Mother’s Day, but no day for father. Like Motehr’s Day, this day is celebrated on a Sunday and is highly in commercial. Stores offer sales, special greeting cards are sold and the emphasis is on buy, buy and buy. Most children buy standard gifts for their father, whom they call dad, pop, pa, daddy, or papa. Unlike mother who can get an assortment of gifts, father gets things like socks, neckties, underwear, and belts. The greeting card, however, has special significance because of the nature of how men are reared in the USA. It is not easy for men to show emotions, and for sons to express love.

  Therefore, this is the one time in the year when a son can express feelings like love, admiration, respect and esteem to his father through a greeting card. Even though fathers are important in society; the celebration of Father’s Day is dwarfed by Mother’s Day. Much less attention is paid to this day because westerners, in general, view the role of mother as more important than that of father. it is changing in the United States, though, as more books and TV shows depict the role of a strong, yet sensitive, father able to successfully communicate with his children and wife.


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